Are Chelsea And Kwame Still Together After Love Is Blind Season 4?

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Thursday, May 9, 2024

Like two other couples from their season, Kwame Appiah and Chelsea Griffin are still enjoying marital bliss. At the show's reunion back in April, the pair announced that they were still together. They celebrated their anniversary in early May, marking the occasion with a road trip. In an Instagram post, Kwame states that he and Chelsea spent some time at Disneyland and headed to Laguna Beach afterward.

Outside of their adventures, the Appiahs have made great strides within their relationship. One of the hot-button issues during season four was Kwame's hesitance in moving to Seattle. He had lived in Portland and was torn about leaving his apartment, friends, and... favorite running trail. The reunion proved that Kwame made peace with moving to Seattle, with Chelsea making a tongue-in-cheek post about how Kwame loves the Emerald City now.

Aside from their qualms about where to reside and how much pink is allowed in their new apartment, the most glaring issue was Kwame's mother's refusal to meet Chelsea. Although his mother was initially against her son's nuptials to Chelsea, the two met during their first Thanksgiving together as a married couple. In an interview with People, Griffin called the meeting a "beautiful first experience."
