
Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Wednesday, May 8, 2024
2023-2024AutumnWinterSpringTitleComments100    110   Principles of CS121Natsuhara / NatsuharaGarza / M. WangM. WangIntro Programming Ispring is likely a single section122Garza / GarzaNatsuhara / SpaniacNatsuhara / ChampionIntro Programming IIspring is likely a single section123Wortzman / KohlbrennerWortzman / WilcoxBrunelle / BrunelleIntro Programming IIIfall is likely a single section143Reges RegesOld Intro Programming IIRequired143XReges  Intro AcceleratedRequired/Core154Wolman WolmanWeb ProgrammingCore160CheungFitz GibbonFitz GibbonData ProgrammingCapstone163 K. Lin / K. LinK. LinIntermediate Data Programmingdouble section in winterSeminar180INFOSTATMaasIntroduction to Data Science190BGrossman  Direct-Admit Seminarinstructor is from that program (ECE, STAT, INFO, ...)190WM. Wang  Allen School Scholars 121 supplementfor a cross-listed course190XDokka & BrickerDokka & Bricker Allen School Scholars 122 supplement190YBrickerBrickerBrickerAllen School Scholars 123 supplement190ZBrickerBrickerBrickerSTARS supplement390HANatsuharaGarzaM. Wang122 Honors Seminarx: course will be offered, instructor announced later390HBWortzmanWortzmanBrunelle123 Honors Seminarx?: course may be offered200-300 Majors   all listed instructors are very likely but tentative, EE205 ECE Signal Conditioning i.e., we 'reserve the right' to change them as needed311Weber / WeberWeberZatloukal / ZatloukalFoundations I312R. LinKarlin / KarlinWeber / WeberFoundations II331Zatloukal / ZatloukalTatlockWilcox / WilcoxSoftware Design and Implementation332BrunelleBrunelle / BrunelleWinstanleyData Structures and Parallelism333ThachukPerkins/PerkinsTangSystems Programming340Oliveira B. ShapiroInteraction Programming341Wilcox RegesLanguagesprobably no winter offering this year344TangChmielewskiFetschIntro to Data Management351Hsia / HsiaHsiaGarza / GarzaThe Hardware/Software Interface369 HsiaHsiaDigital Logic371ECEECEHsiaAdvanced Logic390BE. FanE. FanE. FanAcademic Skill Building Through Bottom-Up Computing390ZM. LinM. LinM. LinMathematics for Computation Workshop391M. WangM. WangWortzmanSystem and Software Tools400 Majors, Non-Capstones   401Perkins PerkinsCompilers (joint with M501)402   Domain Specific Languages (joint with M502)403AlversonErnst Software Engineering421BeameRi. AndersonOveis GharanAlgorithms422 J. Lee Toolkit for Modern Algorithms426Tessaro  Cryptography427MostafaviS. Wang Computational Biology431  A. RaoComplexity440ZhangFogartyJ.MartinezHCI442BattleHeer Visualization444 MaasMaasDatabases (joint with M544)446JamiesonGolub / SchaferDuMachine LearningFall and Winter are joint with 546 with 2 lectures / week, Spring is not joint with 546 an447 Choi Natural Language Processingjoint with 517451LiKimuraLiOS452WilcoxKrishnamurthyT. AndersonDistributed Systems453Peter  Data Center Systems455 L. ShapiroKrishnaComputer Vision456   Story Design for Animation457PopovicSeitzCurlessGraphics458Mones  Animation459   Character Animation461GollakotaGollakotaGollakotaNetworks*will* be offered spring464  MonesAdv Topics in Animation469ECEOskinECEComputer Architecture I470  OskinComputer Architecture II473HajishirziMinnekerHazenAI474ECEECEIyerEmbedded SW478 GuptaSrinivasaAutonomous Robots484RoesnerKohnoKohlbrennerSecurity (joint with M584)486x  Intro to Synthetic Biology (joint witjoint with EE423, BIOE423487  x?Advanced Synthetic Biology493Mankoff  Accessibility493HSchulz  Computational Design and Fabric493G1Farhadi / KusupatiKrishna Deep Learningwill work on getting a permanent number493Q  ColadangeloQuantum Computationwill work on getting a permanent number493S   Advanced Machine Learningjoint with CSE 599, may not be offered493V   Virtual-Reality Systemsmay not be offered, tbd493W  J. SmithWireless Communication493X  BernsteinWeb Browser Engineering493 Thachuk TBD493  FroehlichPhysical Computing490NR. Rao  Neural Engineering490 Etzioni Big Ideas in AI2 credits, graded490J   Animation: (topic varies by quarterWinter likely but not yet confirmed390RCakmak  Intro to CSE Research not offered in Fall480GrossmanSobelSobelComputer Ethics (2 cr. Seminar)492J Champion/NguyenChampion/NguyenCareer Seminar492L Lazowska Alumni Career Experience Semin492P1  SuPatterns for Career Success492   Big Ideas in AI (changed to 490)492CFetschFetschFetschNavigating Early-Career Challenges492R CakmakCakmakCSE Group Research492T   CS Pedagogy (2 cr. Seminar, instructor permission)495CaspiCaspi Project PracticumCapstones    428  S. WangComp Bio 441   HCI II454   Internet Systems460 Mones Animation475PatelECEECEHardware Systems481Althoff  Data Science481D Popovic Games481SEC  KohnoSecurity 481V  KemelmacherVirtual Reality 481 Zhang Social Computing481C Cakmak Robotics 481NLP  N. SmithNLP 481SYS  PeterOperating Systems481   Mobile481   HCI 481  R. RaoNeural Engineering481  TanimotoGamification (exact title TBD) 482B  Ri. AndersonTech for Resource-Constrained Env.482   Community Networking 482A   Accessibility300-400 Non-Majors   373K. LinChampionK. Lin/I. ZhouData Structures374HazenMcKinney Intermediate Programming Conce390 Reges C++ Programming410   OS/Arch412 Wolman Visualization413Reges Languages414Maas / MaasMaasSuciuDatabase Systems415TanimotoTanimotoAI416STAT ShahML417Ri. AndersonWeber Theory5th Year MS    M 501Perkins PerkinsCompilers (joint with 401)M 502   Domain Specific Languages (joint with 402)M 544 MaasMaasDatabases (joint with 444)M 547 (take 517 instead) NLP (joint with 447)M 552WilcoxKrishnamurthyT. AndersonDistributed Systems (joint with 452)M 553Peter  Data CentersM 584RoesnerKohnoKohlbrennerSecurity (joint with 484)599Farhadi / ?Krishna Deep Learning (joint with 493G1)Breadth    501   Compilers503Ernst  SE505   Programming Languages507Tatlock  Computer-Aided Reasoning for Software510Fogarty  HCI512  HeerVisualization513  MankoffAccessibility515Morgenstern  Statistical Methods517Choi NLP521Oveis Gharan  Algorithms525   Random Algorithms526  Cryptography527S. Lee  Comp Bio529 Mostafavi Computational Genomics531 Rothvoss Complexity I535   Theory of Convex Optimization541 JamiesonInteractive Learning542  GuptaReenforcement Learning543Du  Deep Learning544 Suciu Databases546JamiesonGolub / Schafer Machine Learning547  AlthoffMachine Learning for Big Data548Oskin  Architecture550Kasicki  Systems for All551 T. Anderson OS552 KrishnamurthyDistributed Systems556   Computational Fabrication557   Graphics561   Networks562   Mobile & Wireless Systems564 Roesner Security567 ECE Digital Systems Design571  FoxRobotics573   Artificial Intelligence576  L. ShapiroComputer Vision579   Intellegent Control through Learning and Optimization580   Computing for Social Good581 Reinecke Computer Ethics582  TsvetkovEthics in AIOther Grad    590Karlin/ErnstKarlin/ErnstKarlin/ErnstFirst-Year Seminar522   Algorithms II528   Computational Neuroscience532   Complexity Theory549 Taylor High-Performance Computer Archi586   Synthetic Biology (joint with 486)599   Ubiquitous Computing599J. Lee  Sparsification, sampling, and optimization599Coladangelo  Quantum Computing599 Bernstein Differentiable and Probabilistic Pr599 N. Smith TBD599   AI for Sound 599 A. Rao TBD599 Battle TBD599 Koh TBD599 B. Shapiro Computing Education Research599   Deep Robotic Learning599   TBD599   TBD599  GolubDeep Learning for Neuroscience599   Research Methods599   ML for Systems for ML 599  JaquesTBD599  BeameTBD599  S. LeeExplainable AI599S   Advanced Machine Learning599   Accessibility589 Gottesman & Lazowska Software EntrepreneurshipPMP    P501Perkins  CompilersP503   Software EngineeringP504  ErnstState of the Art Testing and DebugP505   Programming LanguagesP510  ReineckeHCIP517   NLPP521   AlgorithmsP527   Computational BiologyP531A. Rao  ComplexityP524   Parallel ComputingP544   DatabasesP546  AmmarData Mining / Machine LearningP548  Computer ArchitectureP551   Operating SystemsP552 Wilcox Distributed SystemsP561   NetworksP557   GraphicsP564   SecurityP573 Zettlemoyer Artificial IntelligenceP576   VisionP589 Gottesman & Lazowska Software EntrepreneurshipP590   ML SystemsP590   TBDP590   TBDP590   AccessibilityP590   Neural Computation and EngineeringP590   CryptographyP590   RoboticsP590   Enterprise ChatbotsP590Shostack  Security EngineeringP590Van Horn  Cloud ApplicationsP590 Sadasivan Applied Parallel Prog. on GPUsP590   Machine Learning for Big DataP590   Explainable AIP590 Iyer Ubiquitous ComputingP590   ICTDP590   Full Stack Deep LearningP590   Doman Specific LanguagesService Grad   583Beck  SE for Data ScientistsEDTEP 590  WortzmanTeaching Computer Science in SeGIX    TECHIN510   Programming for Digital and Physical User InterfacesTECHIN516   Robotics Lab 1: Robotic Sensing and MobilityTECHIN517   Robotics Lab 2: Robotic Manipulation and GraspingTECHIN540   Launch ProjectData PMP    D514  Hazen/TangData Management for Data ScienceD515 Winstanley Software Design for Data ScienceD516Khuu  Scalable Data Systems and Algorithms23-jan-24<![if supportMisalignedColumns]> <![endif]>
