Stars who never looked the same after Plastic Surgeries

Posted by Martina Birk on Monday, May 6, 2024

Ummmm wtf.

Also, I love Pamela Anderson, she has always been so hot to my gay ass, but she did work on her face that doesn’t look good. I would have put her on the list.

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by Anonymousreply 225January 10, 2023 9:54 PM

[quote]Stars who never looked the same after Plastic Surgeries

Stars who never looked the same after Preston Sturges

by Anonymousreply 1August 27, 2021 5:06 AM

Brad Pitt is a plastic surgery.

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by Anonymousreply 3August 27, 2021 5:14 AM

I always liked how Chelsea Clinton suddenly grew a chin when she went off to college, while conversely Arnold Schwarzenegger had his chin ground down

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by Anonymousreply 4August 27, 2021 5:35 AM

Carol Burnett’s chin changes shape at various points throughout [italic]Annie[/italic]. This is especially obvious in “Easy Street.”

by Anonymousreply 5August 27, 2021 7:14 AM

I’ve always thought all of Jessica Lange’s face work looks like shit.

by Anonymousreply 6August 27, 2021 7:26 AM

If you want good face work get a beautiful woman to begin with like Gwen Stefani.

by Anonymousreply 7August 27, 2021 7:27 AM

R1 is horrifying. I actually thought they were from that British puppet show from back in the day.

by Anonymousreply 10August 27, 2021 8:07 AM

Meg Ryan wins this thread. And, she ruined herself so young. It was crazy.

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by Anonymousreply 11August 27, 2021 8:14 AM

The bogdanoff ( sp?) Twins from France are probably the most appalling before and after I've ever seen. I've heard rumors that they supposedly have a genetic condition that made the results worse but it just looks like really bad surgical work to me. I assume they both suffer from Body Dysmorphic disorder.

by Anonymousreply 12August 27, 2021 8:16 AM

R12 that’s my assumption too. They look absurd

by Anonymousreply 13August 27, 2021 10:36 AM

Meg Ryan is a tragedy and I've actually met Joan Van Ark.

by Anonymousreply 14August 27, 2021 10:38 AM

Meg should have just left her face alone

by Anonymousreply 15August 27, 2021 10:45 AM

Melanie Griffith. Has long looked like she had her face just ripped off and then flung back on again.

by Anonymousreply 16August 27, 2021 10:56 AM

R16, you have me howling like a lycanthrope!

by Anonymousreply 17August 27, 2021 11:16 AM

Renee Zelwegger

Meghan Markle (open the list to celebrities not stars)

Michael Jackson

Madeleine Stowe

by Anonymousreply 18August 27, 2021 11:24 AM

The Bogdanoff Twins… I just don’t bet it. Why would they do that to themselves?!

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by Anonymousreply 20August 27, 2021 11:49 AM

There are at least 25 plastic surgery disaster stories for every one that manages to preserve some version of the patient's original appearance.

But just like it used to be a convention for people to wear makeup with arsenic and corsets so tight women would pass out when surprised, people today see disfigurement as an improvement upon looking aged.

Most of the women of the Beverly Hills Housewives look to me like they should be in a book of medical anomalies: Lisa Rinna and her tumorous lips, Taylor Armstrong, Adrienne Maloof, Lisa Vanderpump, Camille Grammer, Brandi Glanville, Kathy Hilton, who looks freakishly like Caitlyn Jenner.

I guess Kyle Richards is the exception who proves the rule at this point, but I suspect it's only a matter of time. Her husband's mother is a plastic surgery freakshow, and that was celebrated on the show.

Sutton Foster hasn't tried to rearrange her face to look like a beauty pageant contestant and she is all the better for it, and Kim Richards may have addiction and behavioral issues, but she has allowed herself to age and she looks more human than the rest of them. I'm sure the Beverly Hills women think Kim looks "old" compared to them, but to me she just looks more human. The other women look like they are in their 50s and 60s, just with disfigured faces. One day, people will look back on photos and video footage in horror and wonder what kind of culture this was, with people paying medical doctors to cut them up and make them look like they had been in accidents with infections puffing up their faces.

by Anonymousreply 21August 27, 2021 12:04 PM

I think the reason people use the term "old broad" is because people's bodies broaden and get bulkier and less elegant looking as we get older.

You can easily guess what decade of life anyone is in when you see their body, even in cases of women who starve themselves and have fat sucked out. They get blockier over time.

There's no way to win a war against time. A surgically altered head on top of an old person body may make people say, "you look amazing!" but while they are saying that, they are thinking, "the poor thing."

by Anonymousreply 22August 27, 2021 12:10 PM

No matter how good the work is, when I see it, I don't think someone with plastic surgery looks good. My first and overall impression is always you look like someone with plastic surgery.

by Anonymousreply 23August 27, 2021 12:22 PM

[post redacted because linking to clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 24August 27, 2021 12:44 PM

R23 I agree. It has an “uncanny valley” affect.

I don’t even like that Enrique Iglesias removed his signature mole.

by Anonymousreply 25August 27, 2021 12:53 PM

I'm a fan of Belinda's but her face can be painful to look at now...

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by Anonymousreply 26August 27, 2021 1:38 PM

What is your minimum bet R20?

by Anonymousreply 27August 27, 2021 1:39 PM

Bogdanoff Twins

Holy cow. I never heard of them and googled to see if the r20 pictures was a joke. It's like the surgeons had no clear idea what humans looked like.

by Anonymousreply 28August 27, 2021 1:46 PM

Speaking of aging twins, here's the business owned by the homoerotic Brewer Twins models of the '90s.

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by Anonymousreply 29August 27, 2021 1:50 PM

R29 Wow, I always wondered what happened to them. Those pics were so hot back then.

by Anonymousreply 30August 27, 2021 1:56 PM

Jessica Lange. She used to have such a soft beauty, but then she started fucking with her face. I recently watched Big Fish (early 2000s) and she looked like Jocelyn Wildenstein.

by Anonymousreply 31August 27, 2021 1:59 PM

R26 I don't know, she's still beautiful and doesn't look drastically different to me.

Courtney Love on the other hand...

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by Anonymousreply 32August 27, 2021 2:00 PM

Plastic surgeons need to be artists and sculptors.

by Anonymousreply 33August 27, 2021 2:01 PM

Courtney Love should be in a different category than some others, IMO. She had obvious surgery at a relatively young age to change her appearance. She chose to look different to look like a different person with more conventional features. People like Meg Ryan et al. obviously were trying to preserve their youth, which is a different goal. Michael Jackson was a handsome black man with a very broad nose he was self-conscious about, and he wanted to look like a classically beautiful white woman; Michelle Pfeiffer is a classically beautiful white woman who wants to preserve her beauty without mutilating herself; Nicole Kidman was a pretty woman who ended up mutilating herself in an attempt to preserve her beauty. She's one or two surgeries away from Michael Jackson territory.

by Anonymousreply 34August 27, 2021 2:08 PM

MJ should have stopped with the surgeries by Thriller. Just keep that look.

by Anonymousreply 35August 27, 2021 2:12 PM

Natalie Cole got one of the best celebrity nose jobs of the 20th century. She had a really unfortunate schnoz (see link for a picture) that no afro could minimize, but rather than getting a petite little pig nose à la Sissy Spacek (which most women do even today, cough cough Khloe Kardashian) she had her nose pared down in proportion to her facial features

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by Anonymousreply 37August 27, 2021 2:22 PM

Tennis frau Chris Evert Lloyd

by Anonymousreply 38August 27, 2021 2:29 PM

I’m highly confused why the Bogdanoff twins did that to themselves.

Sure, they were gonna look old one day but they would surely look better than they do now… and they actually love the way they look now…

They were handsome!

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by Anonymousreply 39August 27, 2021 2:30 PM

What they looked like around 1990.

And they just kept on from there.

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by Anonymousreply 40August 27, 2021 2:33 PM

R35 I don't think he could have stopped with his nose after Thriller. He had already had it severely sliced and diced, and I remember rumors from my early childhood in the mid-80s that his nose had collapsed because he had surgery that damaged the underlying structure. Sure enough, within a few years, he only had a little pyramid stuck to his face with no bridge at all. I think the damage had been done prior to Thriller. He was born with a *very* broad nose and I don't think he had the structure to support the little Northwest European-type turned up button nose he was going for.

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by Anonymousreply 41August 27, 2021 2:34 PM

Plastic surgery seems more obvious on women who have a more delicate, soft “pretty” look - Jessica Lange, Nicole Kidman, Meg Ryan, etc. It’s like they don’t have the facial architecture / bone structure that more “striking” beauties do, which lets them get skin pulled or tweaked and still retain their familiar face shape.

by Anonymousreply 42August 27, 2021 2:37 PM

I can't wait for Ivana's genes to push their way up to the surface past the surgeries Ivana has had done. It's only a matter of time.

The only thing I can appreciate about Melania is that her surgeries have worked well for her and within the decade, she'll be able to sneer at Ivanka knowing she won the beauty war and that even Ivanka's own father wouldn't fuck her anymore.

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by Anonymousreply 43August 27, 2021 2:40 PM

The Bogdanoff Twins have ties with some of Europe's old noble families.

Their grandmother who raised them was a member of the noble Kolowrat family of Bohemia who sent shock waves through European high society by getting pregnant by their grandfather — the African American tenor Roland Hayes while she was married to another man.

On top of that, Igor was married to both Countess Ludmilla d'Oultremont and Amélie de Bourbon de Parme, the daughter of Prince Michel of Bourbon-Parma.

by Anonymousreply 44August 27, 2021 2:46 PM

Holy crap, the Barbi twins now look like Drag Race contestants.

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by Anonymousreply 45August 27, 2021 2:55 PM

[quote]The Bogdanoff Twins have ties with some of Europe's old noble families.

the Hapsburgs, by the looks of things.

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by Anonymousreply 46August 27, 2021 3:03 PM

I’ve seen some good before/after pictures for older men who have had facelifts. I was thinking that when my skin starts to sag I should have it done.

Is this a bad idea? Any recommendations? Should you do it when the skin just starts to get a little lax (I don’t know- mid 40s) and get ahead of gravity or wait until there are some noticeable changes?

by Anonymousreply 48August 27, 2021 4:02 PM

R19 - She's marginally attractive, a 40-year-old with an obviously recently sanded face that is now photographed through linoleum, layers of makeup, not to mention her redone nose, tweaked jawline, and enough weaves to make wigs for 100 chemo patients - all in an effort to obliterate the rather sweet looking black girl she once was . . .

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by Anonymousreply 49August 27, 2021 4:03 PM

Meg Ryan’s face looks like a pile of folded pizza dough.

by Anonymousreply 50August 27, 2021 4:17 PM

Lark Voorhiies should have never messed with her face. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

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by Anonymousreply 51August 27, 2021 4:20 PM

Wow, they did a great job with Megan's nose!

by Anonymousreply 53August 27, 2021 4:31 PM

Mickey Rourke. Kenny Rogers too.

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by Anonymousreply 54August 27, 2021 4:49 PM

God what a clickbait thumbnail. They’re totally different people. The one on the right is from In Living Color.

by Anonymousreply 55August 27, 2021 4:52 PM

Mickey Rourke for sure. Al Pacino got a facelift at some point in the early 2000s and started looking like total shit after - he looked fine, if his age (60) in The Insider, but after the facelift his face looks vaguely melted now. Faye Dunaway is another person who did not at all need work done and looks like a mess because of it now.

by Anonymousreply 56August 27, 2021 4:54 PM

Bradley Cooper and Zac Efron must have the same plastic surgeon because they are starting to look alike.

by Anonymousreply 57August 27, 2021 5:16 PM

Demi Moore's recent surgery is pretty disastrous.

Gwen Stefani was doing well until her most recent facelift/chin implant. The implant is far too square and throws the whole proportions of her face off-balance, and she's starting to have that frozen plastic look people get after too many surgeries.

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by Anonymousreply 58August 27, 2021 5:19 PM

In a few more years, Demi will be indistinguishable from Janice Dickinson.

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by Anonymousreply 59August 27, 2021 5:23 PM

R53 - It's one of the most common rhinoplasty jobs - Marilyn Monroe had it done, as well - just lifting the end of a slightly bulbous nose and making it a little thinner. Opens up needed space between the end of the nose and the upper lip, and makes a huge difference in how the face photographs.

by Anonymousreply 60August 27, 2021 5:31 PM

Yeah, Megan’s nose is very commonly done, and hers didn’t need extreme work like Janet or MJ, which is why their noses look/looked like shit.

by Anonymousreply 61August 27, 2021 5:33 PM

Meghan is half-white and her nose was slimmer than the Jackson's to begin with. The Jacksons all made the mistake of trying to make their noses look traditionally caucasian instead of simply having them shaped a bit. It wasn't like the public was going to forget they're black.

by Anonymousreply 62August 27, 2021 8:13 PM

Janet has always been and claimed black r62. Idk why you would say that.

by Anonymousreply 63August 27, 2021 8:15 PM

My point is that they were trying to have white-looking noses which seriously unbalanced their faces. They should have simply shaped the noses they had a bit. Trying to look whiter when you're from a famous black family is silly.

by Anonymousreply 64August 27, 2021 8:17 PM

R64 well blame pressures within the industry to look a certain way for most of them. If you can sing like Aretha you can get by on not being attractive, or at least could then, but someone like Janet needs to fit an image to sell.

She looked gorgeous around the time of her Janet album. She should have left herself alone at that point. She fucked up by continuing to fuck with her face.

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by Anonymousreply 65August 27, 2021 8:25 PM

Whenever Patti LaBelle talks about the nose job she had after becoming a solo artist she always says that she told the surgeon she wanted her nose made smaller but not a white girl nose.

by Anonymousreply 66August 27, 2021 8:52 PM

Michael Jackson. Still wonder why he destroyed his face

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by Anonymousreply 68August 28, 2021 12:44 AM

Wasn't there a rumor that MJ wanted to look like his goddess Elizabeth Taylor, which is why he had so much surgery? And another rumor that he wore the face mask so much in the 90s because what was left of his nose fell off?

by Anonymousreply 69August 28, 2021 12:55 AM

Priscilla Presley. I met her in the early 1990s and she was lovely to look at.

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by Anonymousreply 70August 28, 2021 12:56 AM

Markle is an example of good plastic surgery

by Anonymousreply 71August 28, 2021 12:56 AM

All Markle did was a slight nose job….

by Anonymousreply 72August 28, 2021 12:57 AM

Markle is a very attractive and beautiful woman

by Anonymousreply 73August 28, 2021 12:57 AM

R72, it was more than "slight"

That said, it was good work, not bad work. She doesn't belong on this thread

by Anonymousreply 74August 28, 2021 1:00 AM

Markle’s nosejob was not that big a deal. Quit exaggerating.

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by Anonymousreply 75August 28, 2021 1:05 AM

Two reporters on local television news have had some work done recently. It is very noticeable. Each took a vacation and now they have plastic surgeries which did not go well.

The woman's cheeks have fallen down her face and she looks older! The man's face is pulled up so tight the skin just outside his eyebrows looks like big scars (which it is).

Neither look fully human now, and they were beautiful people before the surgeries.

I just don't get the rationale when people have seen other people's surgeries that didn't work and assume it will not happen to them when they go under the knife.

by Anonymousreply 76August 28, 2021 2:13 AM

Madonna in the last few years. She looks like Mae West in Sextette

by Anonymousreply 77August 28, 2021 2:15 AM

Rupert Everett looks so weird now.

by Anonymousreply 78August 28, 2021 2:24 AM

Anyone know if Elizabeth Taylor ever had any work? She seemed untouched by saggy/wrinkly skin- but she never had that pulled, Joker-look.

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by Anonymousreply 80August 28, 2021 2:55 AM

Maybe being fat/ chubby/ zaftig helped Liz Taylor. But she probably did have work done. Being a big vain star.

by Anonymousreply 82August 28, 2021 4:05 AM

Uma Thurman looks Asian now

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by Anonymousreply 83August 28, 2021 4:06 AM

Carol Burnett said she was born without a chin so she went and bought one. Gotta love her. And that was in the 80s when it was taboo to talk about.

by Anonymousreply 88August 28, 2021 4:18 AM

R80 r82 granted this was one of the most unflattering back-of-the-sedan pap shots ever, but I suspect Liz did more than lose weight afterwards.

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by Anonymousreply 89August 28, 2021 4:22 AM

Meghan looks like my family,lol. I think she only had a tiplasty where the soft tissue of her tip was refined.

R48 I think conservative facelifts can look great on men. But for men, you have to be really, really careful about fillers. The “pillowy” look in women is not so bad, but for a man, unless you are very fem, and going for that kind of look, fillers can easily send you into the freak zone.

by Anonymousreply 90August 28, 2021 4:45 AM

I never understood about Carol Burnett's chin implant. It looks almost exactly the same as before.

I think she actually went in for some anti-aging tweaks here and there (eye bags, etc.) because she was trying to launch a film career. But was too self-conscious to admit it.

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by Anonymousreply 91August 28, 2021 4:46 AM

MJ did look pretty around the time of “Do you Remember the Time.” Thereafter things went to pot rapidly. I think at times MJ was more of a Trans and wanted a very female look (see attached pic), but then would maybe get criticized by his Mom and try to butch up. He had a dreadful square chin implant installed at the time of his death. That coupled with his penchant for harsh, garish make-up and those terrible wigs at the end were hideous.

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by Anonymousreply 93August 28, 2021 4:51 AM

I just don't get how they train doctors who go into plastic surgery biz, or what their facelift playbooks look like or why they'd follow them. Why would they knowingly and willingly go into all these surgeries with the deliberate intents of:

-Make indented line to sides of face from end of lips -Inflate both lips like a huge plastic "kiss" innertube that you could see from space -Life up eyes from outer edges so they are more vertically oriented than Cruella deVille's -Reduce nose width to .0000002 cm

Who would want to make someone look like that, and wtf would want to be made to look that way, knowingly?!

by Anonymousreply 94August 28, 2021 5:35 AM

[quote] Yeah, Megan’s nose is very commonly done,

You said it: I didn't.

by Anonymousreply 95August 28, 2021 5:55 AM

A gathering of burn victims

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by Anonymousreply 96August 28, 2021 9:09 AM

[quote] Wasn't there a rumor that MJ wanted to look like his goddess Elizabeth Taylor, which is why he had so much surgery

Also Diana Ross. I think the truth is, he just didn’t want to lookalike his father, the monstrous Joe Jackson b

by Anonymousreply 97August 28, 2021 9:34 AM

R72 Yes, just ignore the brutalised hair, the fillers, the chiclet teeth, and the mid-life TV interviews in which her complexion, oddly, looks about five shades paler than it did on that youthful photo.

by Anonymousreply 98August 28, 2021 10:13 AM

Kate Jackson and Jane Fonda are about the only two plastic surgery success stories.

by Anonymousreply 99August 28, 2021 2:14 PM

I've always suspected Simon Cowell of making the same mistake Joan Crawford did: having plastic surgery while being a raging alcoholic.

by Anonymousreply 100August 28, 2021 2:21 PM

R98 people tan. White people are so ignorant. It’s so sad to read comments like yours.

She’s naturally fair skinned. She will tan easily.

by Anonymousreply 101August 28, 2021 2:41 PM

Jane Fonda's work was first-rate until recently. She's had one too many procedures and started to get that mannequin look. She's in her 80s and really ought to chill with the procedures.

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by Anonymousreply 102August 28, 2021 2:43 PM

Jeez, all that plastic surgery and Jane still looks like Henry Fonda in a wig in R102's pic.

by Anonymousreply 103August 28, 2021 3:19 PM

Is that why Jane got so bent out of shape when Megyn Kelly asked her about her plastic surgeries?

by Anonymousreply 104August 28, 2021 4:53 PM

Jane Fonda will be 84 on her next birthday, and her TV show on Netflix is ending. Time to relax, enjoy your money, and quit going under the damn knife.

by Anonymousreply 105August 28, 2021 4:57 PM

[quote] I always liked how Chelsea Clinton suddenly grew a chin when she went off to college

It’s nice to know your fondness of this event was consistent. For my part, I found I only liked in on days of the week with the letter T in them.

by Anonymousreply 106August 28, 2021 5:00 PM

Who are those specimens in OP’s image?

by Anonymousreply 107August 28, 2021 5:01 PM

[quote] Kim Richards may have addiction and behavioral issues, but she has allowed herself to age and she looks more human than the rest of them.

I think the only difference is that Kim doesn't have the money to get all the surgeries the other ladies on RHoBH do.

by Anonymousreply 108August 28, 2021 5:28 PM

R104 it's little known, but Jane picked up a hard to treat STD in Hanoi, when she was getting fucked by the communists.

by Anonymousreply 109August 28, 2021 5:30 PM

^ Yawn, I see the freeper trolls have arrived

by Anonymousreply 110August 28, 2021 5:45 PM

In her last years Elizabeth Taylor couldn't open her mouth much when she spoke in interviews. And the chin seemed more pointy. And then being a blonde did her no favors.

by Anonymousreply 111August 28, 2021 6:12 PM

Come on! I was made for this thread

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by Anonymousreply 113August 28, 2021 6:14 PM

Courteney Cox needs to step away from the fillers

by Anonymousreply 114August 28, 2021 6:17 PM

R97 lol, I might have ended up looking like MJ is Joseph was my dad. He amazingly was ugly, evil and bestial all at once.

by Anonymousreply 115August 28, 2021 6:56 PM

[quote]In her last years Elizabeth Taylor couldn't open her mouth much when she spoke in interviews. And the chin seemed more pointy.

Which one?

by Anonymousreply 116August 28, 2021 6:58 PM

Bella Hadid... It's almost as transformative as Ivanka really.

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by Anonymousreply 118August 28, 2021 7:12 PM

It’s pretty well known MJ tried to make himself look nothing like his dad. He hated that man, with good reason.

R118 that’s an example of good plastic surgery.

by Anonymousreply 119August 28, 2021 7:14 PM

Roseanne Barr now looks completely different. Her plastic surgery has settled well (the current round), but she looks like a different person.

by Anonymousreply 120August 28, 2021 7:19 PM

R101 Jesus. Go back to Sussexland.

by Anonymousreply 121August 28, 2021 7:19 PM

R119 It certainly is an improvement for her, and I daresay she wouldn't have attained her "supermodel" status without all those procedures. In keeping with the thread's title however, there can be no denying she doesn't look at all like herself. In Bella's case, that so happened to be a good thing. She wasn't ugly before, but cew would claim she was "model" pretty.

by Anonymousreply 122August 28, 2021 7:19 PM

R119, the only way to not look like his dad was to make himself into a white drag queen. Mmmmmkay

by Anonymousreply 123August 28, 2021 7:20 PM

[quote] Kate Jackson and Jane Fonda are about the only two plastic surgery success stories.

Kate Jackson?? Are you kidding? She was turned into a Cubist painting.

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by Anonymousreply 124August 28, 2021 7:29 PM

Ivana (Senior) Trump had post-divorce (from Donald) plastic surgery that completely changed her looks. That's when she started wearing the bun on the top of her head and bangs.

[quote] The only thing I can appreciate about Melania is that her surgeries have worked well for her[.]

I disagree that Melania had good plastic surgery. Her eyes now look like she's squinting almost all of the time.

by Anonymousreply 125August 28, 2021 7:31 PM

Men should never have plastic surgery.

by Anonymousreply 126August 28, 2021 7:36 PM

R126 Lower Blepharoplasties and Rhinoplasties are fine on men, when done by a surgeon with experience working on men's faces. The other procedures I agree with you... They usually look weird.

by Anonymousreply 127August 28, 2021 7:40 PM

What about veneers (teeth), Botox, and hair transplants, like Tom Brady?

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by Anonymousreply 128August 28, 2021 7:43 PM

Mexican telenovela actress/singer Lucia Mendez.

Unrecognizable from the stunning beauty that burst on the scene in the late 70's/early 80's.

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by Anonymousreply 129August 28, 2021 7:47 PM

Biden before the hair plugs

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by Anonymousreply 130August 28, 2021 7:47 PM

I thought it was common knowledge Tom Brady had work done

by Anonymousreply 131August 28, 2021 7:49 PM

Renee Zellweger looked completely different after her eye lift, which was drastic. Now, her eyes have settled back to almost how they were before.

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by Anonymousreply 132August 28, 2021 7:51 PM

R132 It looks as if Zellweger has had her nose done as well in that pic. Funnily enough, I had not noticed the difference before. I rather prefer the original issued nose.

by Anonymousreply 133August 28, 2021 10:15 PM

R87 Poor Stockard. She really did transform herself into a gargoyle. I recall watching her new face unveiled on, I believe, The Good Wife. It was horrifying.

by Anonymousreply 134August 29, 2021 8:47 PM

Remember what I used to look like?

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by Anonymousreply 135August 30, 2021 11:40 PM

For those who've mentioned Courtney Cox, she has had her fillers dissolved.

[quote]CC: Well, what would end up happening is that you go to a doctor who would say, “You look great, but what would help is a little injection here or filler there.” So you walk out and you don’t look so bad and you think, no one noticed—it’s good. Then somebody tells you about another doctor: “This person’s amazing. They do this person who looks so natural.” You meet them and they say, “You should just do this.” The next thing you know, you’re layered and layered and layered. You have no idea because it’s gradual until you go, “Oh sh*t, this doesn’t look right.” And it’s worse in pictures than in real life. I have one friend who was like, “Whoa, no more!” I thought, I haven’t done anything in six months. I didn’t realize. ... I’ve had all my fillers dissolved. I’m as natural as I can be. I feel better because I look like myself. I think that I now look more like the person that I was. I hope I do. Things are going to change. Everything’s going to drop. I was trying to make it not drop, but that made me look fake. You need movement in your face, especially if you have thin skin like I do. Those aren’t wrinkles—they’re smile lines. I’ve had to learn to embrace movement and realize that fillers are not my friend.

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by Anonymousreply 136August 31, 2021 3:12 AM

She looks much better now with the de-puffed face

by Anonymousreply 137August 31, 2021 3:14 AM

That pics is so heavily "smoothed," it might as well be an oil painting.

by Anonymousreply 138August 31, 2021 10:55 AM

Yeah, I never understood the Burnett chin implant.

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by Anonymousreply 139August 31, 2021 1:19 PM

I was recently watching some reruns of Friends from the early seasons and Cox's face was truly beautiful. I don't think I realized it at the time, plus Aniston got all the hype, but Courtney was the true beauty on that show.

by Anonymousreply 140August 31, 2021 3:30 PM

Courtney wasn't a natural at comedy (hence the fat suit etc.) and she'd mostly failed as a leading lady in the movies. Anniston was practically an unknown (Leprechaun 2, anyone?). She was a fresh, comic discovery.

by Anonymousreply 141August 31, 2021 3:43 PM

I feel sorry for all the poor schmucks who get tricked into the plastics.

Some of us go a lifetime without any alterations. But I shouldn't be so condemning, either. Some of us tend not to show our age at all and remain dewy 20-somethings for eternity, while others are sadly forced to do battle with Father Time.

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by Anonymousreply 142August 31, 2021 3:44 PM

I still look like me, just a little bit older. I admit I've had a couple things done.

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by Anonymousreply 143August 31, 2021 3:46 PM

There's only one BD on DL.

by Anonymousreply 144August 31, 2021 3:48 PM

…it ain’t you, Miss Davis

by Anonymousreply 145August 31, 2021 3:54 PM

It's that ungrateful daughter, isn't it?

by Anonymousreply 146August 31, 2021 3:55 PM

R143, how can she think she looks better?

by Anonymousreply 147August 31, 2021 4:36 PM

I think Rupert Everett still looks pretty good in that pic at R135. I mean, he's 60-something now, right?

by Anonymousreply 149August 31, 2021 4:47 PM

Kenny Rogers, Simon Cowell. Men seem to fare way worse with plastic surgery than women do. Cowell looks really hideous now.

by Anonymousreply 150August 31, 2021 5:00 PM

It just shows we don't look at women's faces. We look at their hair, their makeup and their bodies. Their doctors can do a lot of real damage and cover it up in a lot of cases. One major deal breaker is the duck mouths, though. Just as there's no way to mask a big honkin' nose with makeup, there's no way to camouflaged a fucked up mouth.

by Anonymousreply 151August 31, 2021 5:06 PM

Burnett got lower jaw surgery in 1982/83 to correct her bite after the chin implant in the '70s.

by Anonymousreply 152August 31, 2021 5:08 PM

Then what's going on at r139?

by Anonymousreply 153August 31, 2021 5:15 PM

I'll have what R148's having

by Anonymousreply 154August 31, 2021 5:49 PM

Even though I can’t stand her Sharon Osbourne has had some decent work. Like Jane Fonda, a little at a time instead of one major surgery.

by Anonymousreply 155August 31, 2021 5:51 PM

Donatello Versace should sue whoever did all that…apparently not her friend.

by Anonymousreply 156August 31, 2021 7:02 PM

Delta Burke after she got the cheek implants and the face lift. She looks like an alien now.

by Anonymousreply 157September 1, 2021 10:25 PM

R43 Ivana looked like a fucking pig before, AND after. She was always hideous. Pre-surgery Ivanka was just as bad. And Eric? The most unattractive of all of her offspring. For some reason, Jr. seems to have mostly escaped the worst. Of course, he's a hideous person, nonetheless.

by Anonymousreply 158September 1, 2021 10:52 PM

[quote] "Donatello Versace..."

Because this is DL, I'd like to believe this was intentional, given her appearance, and that this is a plastic surgery thread.

by Anonymousreply 159September 2, 2021 9:29 PM

Tori needs to have all of her fillers dissolved.

by Anonymousreply 161September 4, 2021 12:54 AM

[quote]No matter how good the work is, when I see it, I don't think someone with plastic surgery looks good. My first and overall impression is always you look like someone with plastic surgery.

I remember reading in an article that when it comes to cosmetic surgery the key word is stealth(I think the guy the magazine quoted was a plastic surgeon himself). The point being is you're never sure whether the person in question has had work done or not; when it comes to cosmetic procedures that's the gold standard.

by Anonymousreply 162September 4, 2021 12:57 AM

R29 Yes, so upset that their pics were interpreted as incestuous, when that is the primary message of their (and frankly any male twins') photosets.

by Anonymousreply 163September 4, 2021 1:02 AM

R160 You are a God. I had not seen that yet and I cannot stop looking.

by Anonymousreply 164September 4, 2021 11:40 PM

Zac Efron’s latest, most obvious surgery is a real tragedy. I can’t imagine having his face and wanting to fuck it up.

by Anonymousreply 165September 4, 2021 11:46 PM

R160 that plastic surgeon should get a Nobel Peace Prize

by Anonymousreply 166September 5, 2021 12:37 AM

[quote] that plastic surgeon should get a Nobel Peace Prize

More like a Nobel Prize for Physics for breaking the laws thereof.

by Anonymousreply 167September 5, 2021 12:44 AM

Pamela was so cute before she did a single thing to herself. I never got the attraction of the permanent lip sneer.

by Anonymousreply 168September 5, 2021 1:31 AM

[quote] Even though I can’t stand her Sharon Osbourne has had some decent work.

IMO, she looks waxen. Now, the daughter Kelly is starting to do major work to her face as well. Claims she has not.

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by Anonymousreply 169September 5, 2021 1:37 AM

Kelly Osbourne and Tori Spelling are overusing filters, following in Cluey Cardashion's footsteps.

by Anonymousreply 170September 5, 2021 1:45 AM

Joan Van Ark is the reigning queen of this unfortunate bunch.

by Anonymousreply 171September 5, 2021 1:53 AM

Has no one mentioned Lil’ Kim?

She was so cute when she was younger and then had all of that bad plastic surgery and totally fucked up her face and body.

by Anonymousreply 172September 5, 2021 2:04 AM

Is that Mariah before the $5 hooker tit job, R173?

by Anonymousreply 174September 5, 2021 7:41 AM

Just for comparison, this is Pam Anderson when she FIRST made an impression on by the general public by the jumbotron at some football game.

And the rest is history.

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by Anonymousreply 175September 5, 2021 10:17 AM

No R175, the caption under that photo clearly states that it's a picture of a Belgian woman who was scouted by a modeling agency at a Belgian sporting event. That is not Pam Anderson and doens't even resemble her.

This is young Pam Anderson. She looks like herself.

She was spotted on a Jumbotron at 22 and that did help to popularize her, but she was acting and modeling already by high school.

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by Anonymousreply 176September 5, 2021 12:38 PM

Speaking of Pam Anderson, remember when she barked back at snarling Meghan McCain?

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by Anonymousreply 177September 5, 2021 12:42 PM

The title of the threat is "stars" R178. Who the hell is Dove Cameron?

by Anonymousreply 179September 7, 2021 4:41 AM

Didn't Dove recently do Light In The Piazza with Renee Fleming?

by Anonymousreply 181September 7, 2021 4:11 PM

The general rule is to use plastic surgery to preserve, not enhance or change. When someone's been in the public eye for 10/20 years with one type of nose and they suddenly reappear with a much smaller nose and new cheeks and higher cheekbones, people will notice and it usually destroys what people found so alluring about the person in the first place.

Zac Efron is a great example. This was a kid who was born with natural beauty and he ruined it. He had the kind of face that would have probably aged well, but he seems to have some dysmorphia issues. How could anyone who looks like Zac Efron look in the mirror, see that face, and think it could be improved upon?

by Anonymousreply 182September 7, 2021 5:51 PM

Addicts don't tend to age well. Chaka Khan is a unicorn.

by Anonymousreply 183September 7, 2021 5:54 PM

[Quote] How could anyone who looks like Zac Efron look in the mirror, see that face, and think it could be improved upon?

You're aware that Zac has been known to hang around Skid Row, right? She is not a well woman.

by Anonymousreply 184September 7, 2021 5:55 PM

[quote] Addicts don't tend to age well. Chaka Khan is a unicorn.

True about Chaka. For someone who spent most of the eighties and probably the nineties in a drug induced haze she still looks and sounds great.

by Anonymousreply 185September 7, 2021 10:13 PM

I know someone who knows Chaka and says she’s a complete bitch.

by Anonymousreply 186September 7, 2021 10:19 PM

"Dr." Oz looks terrifying.

As does what's left of Swoozie Kurtz.

by Anonymousreply 188September 7, 2021 10:29 PM

Swoosie is 77. What do you expect.

by Anonymousreply 189September 8, 2021 7:27 AM

R182 that’s why you have to do all that type of surgery before you become famous! If only Jennifer Grey had known that...

by Anonymousreply 190September 8, 2021 7:43 AM

problem with this thread is that its all photos. Anyone can look good or bad in a photo. Real test of plastic surgery is what the person looks like when they move their face.

As i said on the other thread, the tori spelling photo is an illusion crafted with makeup and goes away at a different angle or when she moves her face.

by Anonymousreply 191September 8, 2021 8:25 AM

Gimme Moore should’ve left well enough alone.

by Anonymousreply 193September 10, 2021 12:46 AM

What happened to Lana Del Rey? 😣😖

by Anonymousreply 194September 10, 2021 9:20 AM

I can’t link from my phone right now but there are photos of Julianne Moore at the Toronto Film Festival on the Daily Fail today for her new movie and her face looks pretty odd. Almost that puffy and waxy Nicole Kidman look with a new added chin implant to probably help tighten her neck. Maybe someone can link it? Hope it all settles or she can tweak whatever she’s done as she looks bizarre.

by Anonymousreply 195September 10, 2021 4:25 PM

R195 That's quite distressing to read, as I have always found her to possess such a rare, natural beauty. She has talked a great deal about regularly receiving Thermage treatments for almost as long as the technology has existed. She has also mentioned in an interview that she had tried Botox once, and decided it wasn't for her. With her colouring, skin type, etc., it's even more difficult to remain youthful looking naturally. I certainly hope it may have been simply a bad picture. She had proudly claimed once she didn't fault others for surgery, but hadn't had any, and didn't wish to go down that road. Well, Lady Gaga said as much too however, and look at her now.

by Anonymousreply 196September 10, 2021 9:55 PM

Oh man the daily fail pics of Julianne Moore today are most distressing. Like Death Becomes Her ….

by Anonymousreply 197September 10, 2021 11:44 PM

Sorry I can’t link either ^^

by Anonymousreply 198September 10, 2021 11:45 PM

R195 & R197 Yikes. I saw the pics today. It looks as if she's wearing a mask.

by Anonymousreply 199September 11, 2021 5:12 PM

I expect the forehead is botoxed but she has fine lines at her eyes and above her lips. She's probably just reached that time where she should retire the trademark hair color. Go lighter, Julie. Seriously.

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by Anonymousreply 200September 11, 2021 5:16 PM

She looks like she has fillers in her cheeks, and botox in her forehead. It’s all very uneven.

What a shame. I hope it all dies down a bit. She has always been a beautiful woman.

by Anonymousreply 201September 11, 2021 5:50 PM

I don't see any change to her cheeks.

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by Anonymousreply 202September 11, 2021 5:59 PM

Whatever happened to growing old gracefully? Old Hollywood did it and no one complained.

by Anonymousreply 203September 14, 2021 3:47 AM

I like Donatella's look now.

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by Anonymousreply 204September 14, 2021 4:52 AM

Old Hollywood like Hedy Lamarr?

by Anonymousreply 206September 14, 2021 6:56 AM

Old Hollywood got facelifts that made them look permanently surprised.

by Anonymousreply 207September 14, 2021 1:04 PM

I've been watching old SUV episodes, and there is a whole squad of elderly actresses who play 'guest' attorneys, and it's filled with women like Beverly DeAngelo, Marlo Thomas, Mariette Hartley, Shirley Jones, Judith Light, etc. There are some terrible plastic surgery results in there, like DeAngelo. Shirley Jones didn't look too bad, other than a frozen face. Light looks good. Marlo doesn't look awful, but she snarls all of her lines.

by Anonymousreply 208September 14, 2021 2:14 PM

Light never looks good. She has terrible hair.

by Anonymousreply 209September 14, 2021 5:15 PM

RIP to the one Bogdanoff twin

by Anonymousreply 211December 28, 2021 9:18 PM

I didn't even know dimpleplasty was a thing

by Anonymousreply 212December 28, 2021 11:32 PM

Courtney Love was not an ugly woman, she was told she was an ugly woman, and now she looks like every other blonde actress of a certain age. She ruined a unique face.

by Anonymousreply 213December 28, 2021 11:44 PM

The Bogdanoffs have a rare disorder where some. tissue grows uncontrollably. They might have had some surgery but it didn't do any good either. If you look at the images, you see the whole bone structure is changed. It's a pity. How horrible it must be, especially when you were great looking once.

by Anonymousreply 214December 29, 2021 1:02 AM

Sandra Bullock is turning into Michael Jackson, and Zellweger looked like her face was used for boxing practice when she did the 3rd Bridget Jones movie, they're both in totally disfigured territory.

Most overdone women develop the same waxy-cat look. Not a great look IMO.

by Anonymousreply 215December 29, 2021 4:25 AM

Beautiful people around NEVER have work done. Maybe a nose job. That's it. That's why so many pretty celebs look absurd. It doesn't matter if one feature was a little off, you were beautiful to begin with. You don't need plastic surgery; it throws off the symmetry off your face which is what rly made you beautiful not individual features.

by Anonymousreply 216December 29, 2021 4:42 AM

Julianne looks good in those pics above.

by Anonymousreply 217December 29, 2021 7:53 AM

Tori Spelling's recent work was done excellently. She's attractive now.

by Anonymousreply 218December 29, 2021 8:21 PM

Re: Tori, there's not much that could be done that would make her look any worse.

by Anonymousreply 219December 29, 2021 9:21 PM

Plastic surgery is why all the jackson aged like mannequins

by Anonymousreply 221March 11, 2022 11:17 PM

R214 The otherworldly Bogdanoff twins died of Covid 4 days apart, apparently they were voth anti-vaxxers.

by Anonymousreply 222March 12, 2022 12:00 AM

"Ve don't understand de question...and ve refuse to respond to it."

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by Anonymousreply 223March 12, 2022 1:32 AM
