Rodagus Thomas Obituary, Augusta GA Shooting, Learn More

Posted by Martina Birk on Sunday, May 5, 2024

Rodagus Thomas Obituary, Death Cause – Augusta, Georgia, was marred by a devastating incident that unfolded on Monday and Tuesday, resulting in the tragic deaths of six African American men during rioting in the city. A shocking revelation has come to light as Dr. Irvine Phinizy, the chief medical examiner for Richmond County, reported that all six victims were shot in the back. This discovery has raised significant questions and concerns about the circumstances surrounding their deaths. The unfortunate events transpired during a period of unrest, with violent outbreaks in the city, primarily in the African American neighborhood. Reports from the Police Department indicated that the incidents occurred while several businesses were being looted.

Dr. Phinizy’s Findings

Dr. Irvine Phinizy conducted autopsies on the six victims and uncovered disturbing details about their injuries. His examination revealed that none of the victims’ wounds appeared to have been caused by shotgun pellets. Instead, they had all sustained gunshot wounds from what Dr. Phinizy believes to be 38-caliber weapons. The revelation that all six victims were shot from behind raises serious questions about the circumstances surrounding their deaths. The tragic and alarming findings indicate that these men were not engaged in confrontations that justified the use of lethal force.

Police Statements and National Guard

Police officials initially stated that five of the six men were shot by police officers, while the origin of the sixth victim’s gunshot wounds remained unclear. However, it’s worth noting that the fatal shootings occurred before a significant deployment of National Guardsmen in Augusta. Colonel James E. Slaton, the commander of the 1,200-strong National Guard contingent, reported that his troops had not opened fire at any point during the unrest, raising further questions about the responsible parties for these tragic deaths.

Discrepancies in Reports

It’s important to highlight that there have been discrepancies between the findings presented by Dr. Phinizy and the official coroner’s report filed in the office of the Richmond County coroner, Nathan F. Widener. Dr. Phinizy’s findings indicate that all six men were shot in the back, while the official report contains unsigned findings with discrepancies in the final formal report compared to Dr. Phinizy’s recollection of his examinations.


The tragic deaths of these six African American men in Augusta, Georgia, have sent shockwaves through the community, raising troubling questions about the circumstances of their deaths. Dr. Irvine Phinizy’s findings that all six victims were shot in the back have ignited concerns and demands for a thorough and transparent investigation into the events that unfolded during the violent unrest. As the community mourns the loss of these lives, there is a collective call for justice and accountability to ensure that such tragic incidents do not happen again in the future.
