4/8 WWE Monday Night Raw Results Ziggler Cashes In, Barrett Wins Intercontinental Title, and the

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Sunday, May 5, 2024

After the match, Alberto del Rio is in a lot of pain and holds his ankle that Swagger worked over throughout the match. Medical personel tend to him, and Dolph Ziggler's music hits – the crowd explodes! He's cashing in! The Izod Center is going crazy! 

Ziggler stomps away on the champion as del Rio huddles for safety under the ropes. Fameasser connects! 1…2…No! Del Rio catches Ziggler with the step-up enzuguri! 1…2…Ziggler kicks out. This crowd is going insane… Alberto locks in the Cross Arm Breaker, but Ziggler pounds away on the bad leg and the champion is forced to break the hold. Zig-Zag! Zig-Zag! 1….2….3! NEW CHAMPION! 

After the match, Dolph Ziggler celebrates with AJ Lee and Big E Langston as the live crowd is on their feet. Biggest reaction of the night, by far. 

The Undertaker makes his way out to the ring, and gets a giant reaction from the Izod Center. He says he dedicated his match last night to the memory of Paul Bearer – "Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. SHIELD". The three make their way down to ringside and surround The Deadman. Kane and Daniel Bryan sprint down to the ring, and the crowd goes absolutely nuts with "YES!" chants. The Deadman and his new-found partners back down The Shield, who retreats through the crowd. 

After a commercial break they run a replay of Ziggler winning the World title earlier tonight. Ziggler is interviewed by Josh Matthews and says that nobody in history has deserved the title more than him. He says he's going to take it home, shine it up, and show it off. It's about damn time. 
