Who wins 'The Bachelor?' Astrologer reveals Zach's finale pick

Posted by Martina Birk on Saturday, May 4, 2024

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Season 27 of “The Bachelor,” the hit ABC reality dating series/petal spreading/love as competition train wreck, is approaching the crescendo of its finale. As such, we, the hype and hungry Bachelor Nation are waiting with bated breath and placed bets to see who Leo tech bro Zach Shallcross shall bless with his final rose.

From thirty babes to two water signs left standing/reeling. The bar for this season was set pretty damn low after douche lord Clayton’s calamitous turn at love last year.

Shallcross made waves and broke promises during last week’s Fantasy Suite episode when he utterly backtracked on his sworn vow not to get intimate with anyone, sealing the deal with Gabi and then spilling the tea to her fellow contestants and the viewing audience at home.

Lord of mercy.

The season finale of “The Bachelor,” airs Monday, March 27 at 8 p.m. EST on ABC. In honor of this most hallowed of eves, we’re taking a look at the birth charts of Shallcross and his final bachelorettes, Gabi Elnicki and Kaity Biggar, to make sense of the stars and cast an eye towards compatibility.

Who will (and who should) get the final rose? Read on to learn more.

Zack Shallcross zodiac sign

Zach Shallcross is a stage strutting Leo with a cult leader Aquarius moon. ABC

The ideal contestant for a dating show is a Leo; looking for love while being looked at by an audience = PURE CAT NIP.

Born July 31, 1996, Zach Shallcross is a text book Leo with a weird and wooly, kindly cult leader Aquarius moon. If you’re looking for evidence of his cult leader qualities look no further than his coercive eyebrows and the deep pitch of his Baritone. Leo rules the heart and these people are lovers and true devotees of dramatic romance; no gesture too grand, no card too corny, no floral arrangement too ostentatious. If you had to imagine the ideal contestant for a dating show, my dudes, it would be a Leo like Shallcross. Looking for love while being looked at by an audience = PURE CAT NIP.

Consider our man’s quintessentially Leo ABC bio, “Zach is an old-fashioned romantic. He loves his mama, his dogs and football but promises he has more love to go around! He’s charismatic, personable and has a huge heart that he is so ready to share forever with the right woman. Zach’s perfect woman is compassionate, kind and ready for romance because Zach is excited to lay it on thick. He loves to plan thoughtful surprises, and nothing makes him happier than seeing the look of excitement on his partner’s face when his meaningful gifts are appreciated.”

Zach Shallcross first competed for the heart of Rachel Recchia on “The Bachelorette.” ABC

As you can see, folks, Shallcross proves his leonine nature in his commitment to “laying it on thick” in every.single.love.language. The boldness of the Leo love style can sometime feel like overkill or performance to more mellow signs but to water signs like Gabi and Kaity, there is no such thing as overkill.

Zach has Venus, planet of love and attachment in the waffle heavy, commitment resistant sign of Gemini. Our man’s Venus is to blame for his ‘I love you, I love you not,’ walk it back stance on celibacy and commitment to spilling the beans and coming clean.

His is the kind of love that runs hot and cold and while he might not ever be physically unfaithful, he do require a lot of mental stimulation/curious conversatoin from multiple sources. He’s definitely texting other people and absolutely oxygenated by intelligent banter but with his Mars, planet of action in the pond water of Cancer, Shallcross’ ideal relationship is one where he can nest with a primary partner but cerebrally engage with a multitude of others. This is a heart that can commit to one but a mind that must be fed by many.

Zach Shallcross’ sun and moon fall in opposite signs. ABC

This is a heart that can commit to one but a mind that must be fed by many.

In terms of aspects, Shallcross’ moon in Aquarius forms a trine with his Venus in Gemini, making him dangerously charming with a crowd pleasing, Golden Retriever kind of likability. Shallcross’ sun in Leo forms a trine with his Saturn in Aries. The sun is the self and Saturn is the planet of restrictions, translating to the kind of dude that is strong willed, requires recognition, expects worship and can struggle with loving himself in an unshakeable way.

Another quality that emerges with this aspect is a slash and burn assuredness when the native suspects he isn’t being treated in a way that befits his caliber of care. We see this expressed in Shallcross who essentially eliminated himself from “The Bachelorette” when he sensed Rachel Recchia was being “inauthentic.” Get out of there and get yourself a spin off baby, win-win.

Zach and Gabi’s compatibility

Zach and Gabi are a union of water and fire. ABC

Elnicki taking a tap out from her Fantasy Suite date to cry and drink champagne? Classic Cancer.

Born July 3, 1997, Gabi Elnicki is a claws out for love Cancer sun with a cerebral Gemini moon and a hungry for worship Venus in Leo. Gemini moons are quick to question themselves and others and process information at an alarming speed. Elnicki’s initial fear that she would be c–k blocked by her own melting self-tanner were for not as she managed to get Shallcross to break his vow of chastity

Cancer is a cardinal water sign that feels deeply and is subject to sudden and violent changes in in mood. Elnicki taking a tap out from her Fantasy Suite date to cry and drink champagne? Classic Cancer. Elnicki crying over feeling like second best? Big time Venus in Leo vibes.

Just a pair of air sign moons breaking vows and making television. ABC

This conjunction is like luck and lubricant, it makes everything run a little smoother.

Shallcross’ sun in Leo is conjunct Elnicki’s Venus in Leo which bodes well for long term compatibility. There’s an east, aesthetic symmetry and a pleasure forward feeling betwixt them. This conjunction indicates that these two crazy kids have the potential to make love, make money and make a really beautiful home together. This conjunction is like luck and lubricant, it makes everything run a little smoother.

Shallcross’ moon in Aquarius is also conjunct Elnicki’s Jupiter in Aquarius, an indication of abundance and fertility of the literal, financial and emotional variety

Elnicki’s moon in Gemini trines Shallcross’ moon in Aquarius, another boon to the romance department. In astrology, the moon represents our emotional nature and a tine aspect between these luminaries suggests a real reciprocity and the fated feeling of a past life bond. It is also 100 percent why they had forbidden sex in the Fantasy Suite and why Shallcross described it as an “act of love, not lust”. The heart wants what the heart wants and the moon makes sure we get it, and get it on.

Zach and Kaity’s compatibility

Kaity Biggar is a serious Scorpio with six placements in the fixed water sign. ABC

Born November 17, 1994, Kaity Biggar is a serious Scorpio with her sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto and North Node all in the fixed water sign. Scorpio is the intense, threshold sign of sex, death and transformation so it tracks that our girl would make her living as an ER nurse. Scorpios love the clandestine and the subterranean and my money says Biggar may have slept with Shallcross before or during the Fantasy Suite episode (notably, we didn’t see much footage from the morning after).

Yet, with the abundance of Scorpio in her chart, we’d never know about it and she probably made him sign a blood/semen oath to never speak of it. These people love a secret and a sexual affair that transpires far from prying eyes. Scorpios make for natural competitors with a win at all costs modality and folks, I will draw your attention to the conspiratorial look on Biggar’s face during last week’s rose ceremony, our girl looks like the proverbial cat that got the milk…or the d–k as it were.

Kaity Biggar establishing dominance by giving Zach a penetrating Scorpio stare. ABC

Biggar’s Venus in Scorpio forms a beautiful trine with Zach’s Mars in Cancer, a beneficial aspect that speaks to deep connection, higher purposes and a real ‘us against the world’ mentality. This rock steady ride or die vibe is amplified by the trine between Shallcross’ Mars and Biggar’s Saturn in Pisces which indicates the potential to accomplish mutual goals and destroy common enemies.

But be warned, it ain’t all trines and world domination because these two have a mountain of square aspects between them. Squares represent a kind of tension which can be incredibly sexy and absolutely taxing, and these two have TEN serious squares in their synastry chart including the major square between Shallcross’ moon in Aquarius and Biggar’s sun in Scorpio.

Add to the mix that Biggar is on the crest of her Saturn return, a time of tough luck and hard knocks that may translate to her “losing” Shallcross which will feel like a tremendous blow but could ultimately prove to be a barbwire blessing.

Who will he choose?

From thirty to two, who will Zach Shallcross deliver his final rose to? ABC

Who will the Lion King choose to give heart, rose and ring to? If Shallcross wants life to be a puppy studded, white picket fence, Chardonnay sunset cruise, he should choose Elnicki If he wants a path of fire and fortification, challenge and triumph, highs and lows and epic proportions, it’s our Scorpio queen Biggar all the way. Peace or a purpose driven life? Balls in your court, if not in your pants, Zach.

Live long and let love rule.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.
