Leaked John Wick 4 Set Vid Shows Keanu Reeves Carrying Heavy Equipment Instead Of Being Pampered

Posted by Martina Birk on Saturday, May 4, 2024

In the latest video from the set of John Wick 4, Keanu Reeves is seen carrying heavy equipment rather than being pampered.

By Tyler Pisapia | Published 2 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

Unlike other actors, when someone says Keanu Reeves is hard at work on the set of John Wick 4, that means he is literally working hard on the set.  According to a leaked behind-the-scenes video (therefore spoiler-free for the most part) from the set of the film, Keanu Reeves can be seen in his typical black John Wick suit. However, rather than getting his hair and makeup done or being fawned over by a Hollywood entourage, he’s marking yet another example of him being one of the kindest and hardworking actors in show business. He’s helping the production crew lug heavy equipment up a flight of stairs outside. 

Keanu Reeves can be seen with a case of equipment in his right hand, a bag in his left, and another bag slung over his shoulder as he moves essential equipment up the steps. Several other crew members are moving things behind him. Worth noting, there are even a few people carrying nothing, which is a bad look considering they’re all definitely less important to the production of John Wick 4 than, you know, the actor who plays John Wick. 

Still, this isn’t an altogether surprising move for the actor who was once seen giving up his seat on a crowded subway car to a tired-looking woman. He has a history of being generous to the people behind the camera who make his movies the breakout hits that they are. Earlier this month, it was reported that Keanu Reeves took the members of the film’s stunt team out to dinner in Paris where he not only picked up the bill, but he surprised them with an impressive gift. 

Keanu Reeves gifted each of the four members of the film’s stunt crew a personalized Rolex Submariner watch, which Entertainment Tonight reports retails for almost $10,000 per watch. All this was a mere token of his appreciation for the hard work they put in on the film. The Rolex watches even came with a personalized note from Keanu Reeves as well, just to give that extra touch of “I see you and I care about you” that he’s become known for. 

If you’ve been paying attention to Keanu Reeves at all, you’d know that he’s known for this kind of thing. In addition to giving large sums of his money to charity, such as offering up a 15-minute private date last year to benefit a children’s cancer organization, he makes sure the crew is properly thanked on his movies. 

Famously, Keanu Reeves totally recognized the impact that special effects and wardrobe had on the success of his money-making, billion-dollar franchise, The Matrix had. He was so grateful for what those teams did, he gave them each $1 million per person, according to Celebrity Net Worth. He didn’t stop there, every member of the stunt crew also was gifted a Harley Davidson motorcycle, courtesy of Keanu Reeves. 

Still, it’s one thing to read about an actor just giving away upwards of $75 million to ensure the people who make his movies awesome feel properly thanked. It’s another thing to see a leaked video of him putting himself to work making their job a little bit easier.
