Night of Champions 2012: Layla (c) VS Kaitlyn [Divas Championship]

Posted by Martina Birk on Friday, May 3, 2024
1. I think Layla retains, but that depends on whether Eve is added to the match or not. As the match stands, I'm leaning towards Layla because it would, in WWE's own world, build her up more of a champion. Kaitlyn can come up with the surprise win, but it wouldn't make sense given the current storyline emphasis on Eve. Unless they're trying to go with Kaitlyn and Natalya, which isn't likely.

2. I'm actually in the minority, and looking forward to this match. Say what you want to say about the divas division, but I still enjoy it for what it is. It can be tons better, but I'm not going to criticize them and what not. Wouldn't be fair since the WWE doesn't care much for this division. Kaitlyn still has long ways to go, but she's gotten better compared to how she was when she first started (talking about FCW, before NXT). Layla has improved and I've always enjoyed watching her in the ring. Will this be a great match? Nope. Good match? Divas standard? I guess. As long as I'm seeing some effort from them given they're handcuffed by the WWE in various ways, I'll enjoy it. I'm actually looking forward to this more than I am the Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio match. Divas division isn't much compared to the women's wrestling I watch in the indy circuit, but hey, it's the WWE we're talking about here. You're welcome for my irrelevant opinion. :lmao:
